Carol White
Trustee 2023 - 2026

I first visited Scotland as a child and was struck by its beauty and majesty. I spend as much time as I can walking and being in the outdoors and really value nature’s vital power to refresh our bodies and minds and nourish our senses.
The importance of our stewardship of wild spaces becomes more critical with every day and, since retiring, I have aimed to apply the skills and experience gained in my career to contribute to charities that protect our landscapes, green spaces and the wildlife that inhabit them.
My career was as a qualified accountant in the public sector where I held Executive Board level posts in various NHS organisations. I have extensive experience in finance, governance and corporate management and alongside this, I believe passionately that excellent communication, engagement and strong partnership working are essential for organisations to achieve their aims.
I have volunteered for charities for many years, currently as a Trustee of a Gardens Trust which aims to preserve gardens and greens spaces and also as a NED on the commercial board of our local Wildlife Trust, which includes the oversight of ten visitor centres. Having been a school governor for many years, I feel strongly about enthusing future generations so that they learn to value and care for our land.
I have been a Member of the Trust for nine years and support its clear vision, values and approach and would love to contribute as a Trustee
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