Join the leading voice for the UK's wild places for just £3.83* per month
Your support will help protect the wild places in our care, campaign on the urgent issues facing wild places and connect more people with them.
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Concessions are available for individual and joint/family memberships. You can also select Life Membership at the next stage.
As a member you'll enjoy
A welcome pack with our most recent publications and a car sticker
Two issues a year of our flagship publication, the John Muir Trust Journal
Monthly Members' News by email, to keep you up to date
An invitation to our annual AGM and Members' Gathering
Access to great Members' offers, including 15% discount from selected outdoor retailers and a reduced subscription rate to TGO and Trail Magazines
The chance to join staff and Members on conservation work parties and at Local Members Group events

Lifetime membership
By joining as a Life Member you join a group of like-minded individuals adding further strength to our long-term vision. You also give the Trust a short-term boost to look after the special places in our care. Simply select this payment option once you've chosen your membership type above.
Gift membership
Help create a world where wild places are thriving by introducing your friends and family to the John Muir Trust. Simply choose this option once you've selected membership type above.

Member benefits and offers
Check out all the benefits and special offers which you can enjoy as a Member. Read more