Browse below to find out more about the many fun ways you can support our vital work to protect wild places for future generations.

Challenge events
Set your own challenge or take part in an organised event such as the TCS London Marathon to raise vital funds and awareness for the Trust.
Find out more
Celebrate life
Whether you’re celebrating a significant birthday, wedding or anniversary, you can make it count for wild places. Hold your own event or ask for donations in lieu of gifts and set up an online giving page. Asking for donations instead of gifts is an environmentally friendly way to celebrate, particularly if you feel you already have everything you really need.
- Set up an online fundraising page using Just Giving or Givey explaining why you’ve chosen to support the John Muir Trust
- Perhaps you’d like to Adopt an Acre or Help a Habitat as a gift for somebody special?
- If you’re holding an event and would like to share more information about the Trust, get in touch and we can provide you with materials
Inspiration and resources
Tips and resources to help you make the most of your fundraising
Find inspiration
Donate in memory
Creating a tribute in memory of a loved one is a wonderful way to celebrate their life and help protect the wild places that were special to them.
- The website allows you to set up an online tribute to collect donations for a chosen charity.
- You could also Adopt an Acre in memory of someone.
- If you would like to make an in memory donation, you can give online via our Donate page or send a cheque to: John Muir Trust, Tower House, Station Road, Pitlochry, PH16 5AN.
Online giving
Did you know you can fundraise for us simply by doing your weekly shop? Buy or search online using the platforms below and you can raise funds for wild places at no extra cost to you.
Give as you Live
With Give as you Live you can shop online with thousands of leading stores and the Trust will receive a percentage of what you spend. It's easy - all you need to do is register. Find out more.
Use Everyclick as your online search engine and raise funds for the Trust just by surfing the web. Sign up here
Recycling for the Trust
Do you have unwanted items at home that you would like to put to good use? Donate items including old mobile phones and cameras, stamps, old jewellery and watches, old or foreign banknotes, and old gadgets such as sat-navs or games consoles, through Recycling for Good Causes. You can print out an envelope label or request a collection sack for larger items.
Have you got a fundraising idea you'd like to share?
Email us at if you'd like to discuss your ideas and other ways to get involved.

Make a donation
If you have raised funds for the Trust by holding an event or collection you can pay them in here