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Journey for Wildness

Fundraising fun: this is your chance to help us raise urgently needed funds to protect and restore nature in wild places by embarking on a Journey for Wildness.

Journey for Wildness - summer grass

Your Journey can be anything you want it to be: whether in a group, a couple or by yourself; it can be on foot, by bike, on a horse, in a wheelchair or mobility scooter, or even on water. You can climb mountains, camp out under the stars, paddle board down rivers.

Or get creative and take photos, write poetry or observe and record birds or wildflowers. You can pick up litter, plant trees or wildflowers (with landowners permission). It could be a journey through time watching nature change with the seasons in your local park.

Journeys can be one big adventure, a series of micro-adventures, or even an inward journey like a 'vision quest'. It’s entirely up to you: be as creative as you wish! Enjoy, have fun, and support our precious wild places in the process.

Let's go!

  1. Decide on what sort of Journey you want to do.
  2. Download our useful guide and handy tips for more information and ideas for how to make your journey support wild places.
  3. Set up a JustGiving page by clicking the link below and share with family and friends - ask them to sponsor you or take part themselves!
  4. Use #JourneyForWildness and tag the John Muir Trust in any social media posts to let us know what you're up to.
  5. And don't forget to check out our Journey for Wildness T-shirt collection. All profit goes towards our vital work caring for wild places.Journey for Wildness new Tshirt designs 2024
Jo Winson Ldn Marathon

Journey complete already?

Make your donation here

Donate now

How will the money you raise be spent?

Your fundraising will be spent protecting existing wild land from increasing development pressures and helping us continue our work to restore ecosystems. All donations will be targeted where they are most needed to meet our core objectives:

To protect and restore wild places

Support our team to safeguard and repair over 65,000 acres of wild places in our care – including Ben Nevis, Schiehallion and Sandwood Bay.

To advocate for wild places

Support our bold campaigns to raise awareness of the unique benefits of wild places and planning casework to protect wild places.

To connect people and communities to wild places

Support us to help people and communities experience wild places responsibly and take action to care for them.

Our hills, woodlands and rivers are under constant attack and sometimes we need to stand up and fight for them.

- Damian Hall, ultrarunner


Get in touch

If you have an idea for a Journey you'd like to share, you can email us at

Email us

Download our social media assets to share your Journey