Alison Russell
Trustee 2024 - 2027

As a Life Member of the Trust, I feel privileged to have been elected by fellow Members as a Trustee in 2024.
I love wild land and nature. Originally brought up in Perthshire, I’ve lived in the northwest Highlands for the past 10 years. With a long-standing commitment to the Trust’s work, I’ve attended numerous conservation work parties, mostly on Knoydart and Skye.
From 2006-13, I was the Trust’s Director of Resources. I worked in partnership with two Chief Executives, two Chairs, numerous Trustees, other volunteers and many talented staff. I am fortunate to have benefitted from - and absorbed some of - their immense knowledge, collective wisdom and dedication to the Trust. I was a member of various committees including Finance, Governance and Executive. I managed (in some cases initiated) significant changes in financial strategy, organisational structure, internal systems and employment terms & conditions. I worked hard, had fun and made many close friends. These years proved to be a keystone in my life.
My commitment to the Trust’s core objectives, interpersonal and financial skills, critical thinking, integrity and Scottish charity experience are more pertinent to my Trustee role than academic background, employment history and personal choices.
I’ve chosen to lead a diverse life. For completeness, work has included: chartered accountant (PwC London), management consultant, investment banker, IT project manager, Scottish charity trustee, bus driver, chef and builder’s lackey. I’m an itinerant classical musician, otherwise - happily - retired.
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