Telecoms masts set to damage Scotland’s most beautiful areas
Scottish communities demand serious re-think of £1 billion Government project set to damage the Highlands and rural economy
The John Muir Trust joins Community Councils of the North-West Highlands, plus walkers’ groups, mountaineers and conservation groups, in asking the Rt. Hon. Julia Lopez, Minister of State for Media, Tourism and Creative Industries, to make three key changes to the damaging rollout of telecom masts across Scotland’s wild places.
The Trust has been concerned about the rollout of this programme since Autumn 2023 when the full scale of it became apparent. We previously wrote to Sir John Whittingdale (who held the Ministerial position for Data and Digital Infrastructure whilst Julia Lopez was on maternity leave) on 14 November asking for a pause and review of the SRN programme.
We support the communities who have written to Rt. Hon. Julia Lopez MP, the UK Minister responsible for the SRN programme and await a response.