Standards 24-28: Communities, visitors and awareness
Encouraging access and understanding of wild land.
Land should be managed with the needs of local communities and recreational visitors in mind so that people can feel part of the surrounding landscape and easily find out where to go to enjoy nature and the great outdoors.
24. Support responsible access
Interpretation of wild land and its management should be provided for visitors in a sensitive manner through a broad range of methods, including signage; social media; web to more formal educational initiatives.
25. Meet responsibilities towards local people
As landowners, land managers have legal responsibilities regarding consultation of tenants, commoners and crofters. Additionally, the principle should be to minimise burdens and maximise consultation with all local communities. Land managers should regularly discuss their work with neighbours and local communities. Contracts for work should be awarded locally when this is feasible.
26. Joint project work
Where possible, joint projects or ventures should be explored that could maximise employment and income opportunities for local people within the parameters of sustainable land management – for example, natural heritage grants, eco-tourism or green tourism schemes.
27. Maximise interpretation
Wild land managers provide for responsible access, through engagement with local communities and visitors. Maximising educational and interpretation opportunities will play a key role in delivering this standard.
28. Maximise education opportunities
Wild land offers an opportunity for people to learn about natural ecosystems. Outdoor education in wild land should provide information while promoting awareness around the issues of intrusion into sensitive environments.
Where educational visits are likely to take place, land managers should enhance the experience of those taking part – for example,by providing local knowledge.
- Find out more about our wild land management standards.
Useful links
Scottish Outdoor Access Code
‘Living Landscape’ projects
John Muir Award
Duke of Edinburgh Award