John Muir Award Scottish curriculum resource refreshed
This autumn, the John Muir Trust’s key resource for educators in Scotland has been refreshed to highlight the benefits of wild places in young people’s learning.
John Muir Award and Curriculum for Excellence is designed to help Scotland’s teachers connect wild places with school priorities, including Health and Wellbeing, Creativity and STEM, Literacy and Numeracy, Inclusion, Equity and Attainment, Employability Skills, Learning for Sustainability and Outdoor Learning.
The John Muir Award brings the curriculum to life. Learners make sense of the topics studied across many subjects by experiencing learning outdoors in the ‘real world'.
Karen Fulton, Teacher, Doon Academy
To find out more, educators are invited to join the John Muir Trust on November 16th 16.00 – 17.30 for a webinar, John Muir Award, wild places and education priorities (free to attend, booking required).
Continuing an education recovery
The John Muir Trust has seen an encouraging increase in the number of John Muir Awards achieved as part of education recovery.
Across Scottish schools, 47% more Awards were achieved during 2021-22 compared to the previous academic year. Headlines include:
- 372 schools involved in delivering the John Muir Award in Scotland
- 14,183 Awards achieved by pupils and staff
- 3,367 Awards (25%) achieved by pupils who experience some form of disadvantage
- 1,968 Awards (13%) with residential experiences compared to pre-Covid at 25%
To request a copy of the John Muir Award Scotland Education Report 2021-22, contact
Visit our education resources page for further ideas, case studies and guidance to help embed the John Muir Award in various education settings.
Image credit: Malcolm Cochrane, Holyrood High School

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