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16 Jun 2023

Field Notes: Breakfast with the birds 

Quinag Conservation Officer Kat Martin reports on an early and tuneful start to our summer events series.

Chaffinch singing

Suddenly summer has crept upon us, and the busy engagement period has started on our Trust properties. Up in the North-West Highlands, the Quinag programme began with a Breakfast with the Birds dawn chorus walk in nearby Culag Woods. 

Despite an early start of 6am, a keen group gathered for a gentle wander among the trees to learn some of our feathered friends by their beautiful songs - or beautiful to our ears that is: in bird language this incredible morning performance is all about defending territories.

Among the poetic profanities we heard the impressively loud trills of tiny wren, the encouraging cheers of chaffinch, and slightly more conceded notes of willow warbler. And of course, robin contributed an enjoyable and friendly performance to the show. 

It was a lovely morning spent outdoors, with one participant summarising it as “a nice little introduction to the wide variety of bird song, and an enjoyable hour in the beautiful woods”.

Green star moss - David Lintern

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