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22 Aug 2024

Field Notes: Surveying willow at Nevis

The Trust's Nevis Conservation Officer Kati Karki reports on a recent willow survey - the start of working with our partners in the Nevis Nature Network.

NNN survey of downy willow Ian Stachan Aug24

As feeding our midge population, clearing cross drains, picking up litter and clearing up fire pits, I have been out doing a Nevis Nature Network montane willow survey with contractor Ian Strachan (pictured above).

NNN survey of downy willow 2 Aug24

We have found a good number unrecorded willows, mostly downy willow (Salix lapponum). This has helped us to understand the population we have on landscape scale in Nevis and how we can look after them better.

NNN survey of sawfly on downy willow Aug24

It was nice to find some sawfly larva feasting on them too, creating nice food chains up the mountains!

Hillside - David Lintern

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