Across the UK, the wild places we love are facing new threats.
Changes in land use, particularly new large scale development, is an on-going threat to the protection of the UK's wild places.
We monitor land use changes and 'large scale' developments of different kinds, focusing mostly on proposals that come forward in the UK's uplands, but also in other wild places around the UK.
We investigate those developments which we think could have a significant impact to a wild place, gathering information and engaging with the planning decision making process, submitting objections when necessary. For an insight into Trust responses to proposed development please visit our resources section of this website.
When new threats to wild places arise, we want to be ready to take action – to lobby politicians; to meet with landowners, developers and planning officials; to galvanise support from local communities and the wider public; to coordinate campaigns and carry out innovative work such as our proposal for a Carbon Emissions Land Tax. To be the leading voice for wild places.
Help us be ready to fight for our wild places. Please donate today and help us build our Campaign Fund.

How your donation will help
Your donation will support the crucial work of our Policy team, providing resources for essential ongoing casework, meetings with government officials and participating in stakeholder events. A donation could also support the development and delivery of new campaigns to reach more people and amplify more voices on behalf of our wild places. You could also be helping the team to commission new research and work on innovative new projects such as our proposal for a Carbon Emissions Land Tax, and a new Wild Places Index.