Partner Event
North East Scotland Local Members' Group conservation days
All welcome to come to a hands-on conservation day hosted by estate rangers at Glen Tanar, Balmoral or Mar Lodge and attended by members of the North East Local Members' Group.
Tasks are variable but include: tree planting; fence removal / repair / construction; wildlife monitoring and habitat improvement; footpath maintenance and repair; invasive species control and many more.
Please note this event is not run by the John Muir Trust.
Glen Tanar
15 February
15 March
19 April
17 May
21 June
19 July
16 August
20 September
18 October
15 November
13 December (2nd Saturday).
Mar Lodge
6 & 7 May (two-day event)
7 & 8 October (two-day event)
11 April
20 & 21 May (two-day event)
24 June
22 & 23 July (two-day event)
5 August
9 September
21 October
Fill out our volunteering form for more information and to reserve a spot.