Fundraising ideas
The following fundraising activities are just some examples of how you can support our vital work for the protection of wild places, or why not come up with your own ideas and take your own Journey for Wildness?

Virtually climb Ben Nevis
Did you know that the John Muir Trust looks after Ben Nevis, the UK’s highest mountain? Ben Nevis is a mighty 1,345m (1.3km) high - what could you do over a 1.3km distance? Swim, skateboard, sing or dance? Set your own sponsored Ben Nevis challenge and test your limits!

Go wild in the wet
Did you know that we have rainforest in the UK? The John Muir Trust protects Atlantic rainforest across four of our properties in Scotland. Could you organise your own water-based fundraising challenge to support this rare habitat? Hold a sponsored walk in the rain, get muddy, swim, canoe, paddle board or even take cold showers for a week!

Lead the way
Offer guided walks of a wild place to friends and family. Organise fun activities along the route to help your guests discover nature. Why not create your own guided walk booklets or nature ID guides? Don’t forget to ask for donations at the end.

Share a taste of nature
Everything tastes better outside. Sell tickets to a picnic feast and impress your guests with a taste of nature. How about homemade elderflower cordial, carrot cake or blackberry muffins? Don’t let the cold put you off, it’s what hot chocolate and blankets were made for!

Get creative
Enjoy getting creative - make or up-cycle your own sustainable products to sell. From bird feeders to up-cycled clothing or recycled paper gifts, the possibilities are endless. You could even set up your own outdoor art gallery.

A night under the stars
Are you brave enough to stay in the woods after dark? Hold a sponsored sleep out and experience a night with nature.
Hints and tips for fundraising
Getting started: Online sponsorship is quick and easy. Choose which platform you'd like to use - we recommend Just Giving and Givey. Follow the instructions to create your fundraising page and share the link by email, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Don’t forget to tell everyone why you are fundraising for the John Muir Trust and how their donation will help wild places across the UK.
Stay safe and legal: Remember to seek permission from the landowner and always follow the Countryside Code or Scottish Outdoor Access Code. When organising a fundraising event you are responsible for making sure it is safe for yourself and others, so carry out a risk assessment.
Collecting sponsorship
Offline: Download a sponsorship form. Send donations via cheque to: John Muir Trust, Tower House, Station Road, Pitlochry, PH16 5AN
Online: via our Donate page. Don’t forget to use our donations form to let us know who you are and what you did to raise the money so we can get in touch to say thank you!
If you have any questions or would prefer to donate via BACS please email our fundraising team or call 01796 484 979.