How will you discover a wild place through nature connection activities and consider what makes it wild, how wild it is and how it makes you feel. Why is it special? Could it be wilder?
See a wild place through the lens of its qualities, such as natural processes, visual characteristics, soundscape, human influence, flora and fauna, connectivity and remoteness.
The Discover Challenge is about being immersed in your wild place, experiencing it through your senses and noticing the things that are there, recognising its special qualities. How will you do this?
As you spend time there, think about your relationship with the place and the things that live there. Take time to notice your wild place with a sense of wonder - see it for what it truly is. If you have been before, look at your place in a new light. How does your wild place fit into its surroundings?
The place you choose should be an outdoor space with the potential for nature to thrive. It can be of any size but should be somewhere that you can carry out at least six hours of conservation activity and have the landowner’s permission to do so.
Keep scrolling for examples of activities to consider for the Discover Challenge.
Here are some examples of activities to consider for the Discover challenge. This is not intended as a complete list, so feel free to come up with your own ideas.
- Identify what makes your place wild, what are its characteristics?
- Do yoga or mindfulness activities such as forest bathing
- Take a walk without purpose
- Experience the wild place through your 5 senses – what can you see, hear, smell, touch/feel, taste (with caution!)
- Walk barefoot
- Nature watch
- Notice daily or seasonal changes
Explore Challenge
Take practical steps to learn about and understand your wild place
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Conserve Challenge
Consider how your activity will have a positive impact on your wild place
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Take pride in what you have achieved and inspire others to take action for wild places too
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