Share what you have done to inspire others to care for wild places. Tell people why your wild place is important and special to you, and how they can help you look after it.
The Share Challenge is about taking pride in what you have achieved and inspiring others to take action for wild places too.
Reflect on what you have experienced, how your activities have made you feel, what you have learned and what you have achieved.
Consider why wild places are important and how you have helped your chosen place; what impact do you think this has had for wild places as a whole?
What actions / activities will you engage in to support wild places beyond your Award?
Who do you really want to share this all with? Let them know! To celebrate your achievement, discuss your adventures and experiences in wild places. Think about how you want to share what you’ve done – get creative!
Here are some examples of activities to consider for the Conserve challenge. This is not intended as a complete list, so feel free to come up with your own ideas.
- Talk about your day around a campfire
- Create a social media account
- Write a blog or record a vlog or podcast
- Share a journal / nature diary
- Hold an art exhibition
- Create a film or music
- Hold a celebration event to showcase Award achievements
- Share information about a campaign you have been involved in
- Hold guided walks around your wild place
- Give presentations / host assemblies
Discover Challenge
Immerse yourself in your wild place, experience it through your senses and notice the things that make it special
Find out more

Conserve Challenge
Consider how your activity will have a positive impact on your wild place
Find out more